歡迎光臨!這裡記錄了我個人生活點滴與訊息傳遞平台,歡迎您來細細品味!!! 歡迎有興趣與我一起开创崭新的未来,愿意和我一起同心协力、一起美梦成真成功者, 請聯絡: lcwlife@gmail.com or greatinfinityideas@gmail.com or lovechangeworld@me.com
It is always more difficult to spot our mistakes as it is easier to point your fingers at someone else. we often forget that when we are pointing our fingers, four of them are pointing at our own self. should we reflect on our own actions? everything has a cause and effect, like eating too much ice cream can cause stomach ache. So the cause: "eating too much ice cream" and the effect:"stomach ache". reflection is difficult but is the best way to know why and how things develop the way it did.
It is always more difficult to spot our mistakes as it is easier to point your fingers at someone else. we often forget that when we are pointing our fingers, four of them are pointing at our own self. should we reflect on our own actions? everything has a cause and effect, like eating too much ice cream can cause stomach ache. So the cause: "eating too much ice cream" and the effect:"stomach ache". reflection is difficult but is the best way to know why and how things develop the way it did.
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